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20200311 - Node.js Tutorial For Absolute Beginners 본문
What is Node.js?
- Javascript runtime built on Chrome's V8 Javascript engine
- Javascript running on the server.
- Used to build powerful, fast&scalable web applications
- Uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model
Non-blocking I/O
- Works on a single thread using non-blocking I/O calls
- Supports tens of thousands concurrent connections
- Optimizes throughput and scalability in web applications with many I/O operations
- This makes Node.js apps extremely fast and efficient
Event Loop
- single-threaded
- supports concurrency via events and callbacks
- EventEmitter class is used to bind events and event listeners
What Can We Build with Node.js?
- REST APIs & Backend Applications
- Real-Time Services (chat, Games, etc)
- Blogs, CMS, Social Applications
- Utilities & Tools
- Anything that is not CPU-intensive
- Node.js Package Manager
- Used to install node programs/modules
- Easy to specify and link dependencies
- Modules get installed into the "node_modules" folder
Popular Modules
- Express : Web development framework
- Connect : Extensible HTTP server framework - baseline for Express
- Socket.io : Server side component for websockets
- Pug / Jade : Template engine inspired by HAML(Detailt template engine for Express)
- Mongo / Mongoose : Wrappers to interact with MongoDB
- Coffee-Script : CoffeeScript(superset of Javascript) compiler
- Redis : Redis client library. Redis is kind of a noDQL db but also a caching system.
package.json File
- Goes in the root of your package/applications
- Tells npm how your package is structured and what to do to install it.
- Holds things like the name of the appicatoin, the version, main, author, license, etc.
The main is basically the file that is the entry point to your application.
- Lists all your dependencies so all the modules that you want to use in your app can go on this file as well.
- Can create a package.json file manually but can also run NPM(npm init) in it and that will set it up for you.
//var의 의미로 const 사용
//include a node module(http).
//core module이기때문에 별도로 npm install 할 필요 없음. already included in the system.
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs'); //include fs module
const hostname = '';
const port = 3000;
throw err;
//error가 아닐 경우
//http 모듈의 createServer 호출
const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
res.statusCode = 200;
res.write(html); //readFile의 arrow function에서 쓴 html
console.log('Server started on port '+port);